The average family will be wiped out by this “hidden tax” 

Discover the New Rules of Money for the 2020s and Beyond

Join Thousands of Other First-Movers

Who Are Mastering Their Finances and Living

Without Fear of Whatever Comes Next

"Give me 30 days and I'll give you everything you need to thrive

in the difficult economic times ahead." -JW

Dear Friend,

If you’re concerned about what’s happening in the world and especially the current path the United States is on… 

This may be the most important letter you ever read.

With nearly $34 trillion in debt (by the time you read this it could be much more)... an unending list of disasters from wars and bad policy… 

And a dysfunctional Congress that lacks the guts to change course…

The US is now in the greatest danger of our lifetime. 

But even that’s not accurate. Because it’s not the US government that’s in trouble…

It’s you and me. 

When the reckless behavior of our elected officials and the unelected insiders finally butts up against reality… 

The hard-working people of America will be called on (once again) to “bail out” the system... just like we did in 2001... 2008... and 2020.

The only way you can avoid this fate is by learning the new rules of money. That way you can protect yourself and your family from this once-in-a-century reset.

Anyone who doesn't know or obey the new rules of money is guaranteed to pay for the foolish behavior of our so-called leadership.  

The bottom line is…

There is no restraint or political will left in Washington to stop the destructive path we are on or to steer a new course.

Which means it's up to you to protect your money from inflation, bail-ins, and the new financial dangers popping up as the world moves away from a US dollar domination…

Millions of people could end up ruined and may not even know how it happened. 

The good news is you don't have to be one of them. Because...

In just 30 days or less, I can show you everything you need to navigate this challenging new environment and even set yourself on the road to total financial freedom. 

My name is Joe Withrow.

I’m a former corporate banking insider turned analyst for the largest independent publisher of financial research in the world. And now it's my mission to shed light on everything I've learned about what's really happening within the financial system.

Let me show you what I’ve discovered in my 20 years in finance that no one in the mainstream media will tell you. 

How the 8th Wonder of the World

Affects Your Financial Future

There’s a big secret about money the mainstream press, government officials, and even our public universities don’t want you to know.

In this new era of “higher for longer” interest rates and inflation, understanding this secret will turn out to be the single most important factor in your financial success. 

Einstein thought this secret was the 8th wonder of the world. 

As he put it: “Those who don’t understand (this secret) pay it… while those who do understand (the secret) earn it.”

Take a look at this…

This is what Einstein was referring to… 

The US dollar has lost roughly 88% of its purchasing power since 1970. And although you can’t see it on the chart…

There was one specific day that sealed the dollar’s fate… 

A policy decision made on August 15, 1971 set in motion the events playing out today and put the US on the road to ruin.

Thanks to the hubris of our political leadership, the end-game is now heading for the worst possible conclusion.

  • The US government is now involved in wars on two different fronts… 

  • There’s nearly $8 trillion in government debt maturing in 2024 that has to be rolled over at much higher interest rates… 
  • The US banking system is the shakiest it’s ever been in our lifetime. 
  • The Social Security fund will be empty by 2034 – or sooner…
  • And the refusal of our “leadership” in Washington to address the nation's finances is putting the world’s monetary system at risk of collapse. 

How will all these crises – and others we’ve yet to encounter – all be paid for?

By the only means bickering bureaucrats inside the Beltway can think of:

Printing more money.

This guarantees your dollars will continue losing purchasing power at an accelerating rate. No amount of rate hikes can offset the creations of trillions of dollars from thin air year after year.

The good news is, you don’t have to be ruined by inflation – or be a victim of policy decisions made by Washington elites who long ago stopped caring about the citizens they are supposed to represent.

There are solid solutions to the financial problems you and I will face in the coming decade. And I’m going to tell you how to implement them on this very page.

But first, there’s one other crucial fact most people don’t understand about the danger inside and outside our nation’s borders...

Tossing a Lit Match on a Powder Keg

When a nation fails to control spending… it doesn’t just drive up your cost of living on things like groceries... or the price you pay at the pump. 

Inflation is a “hidden tax”. It steals purchasing power from you a little more each passing day. 

But the real threat is much worse. 

Inflation also erodes civil society by hollowing out the middle class. 

Think about it…

Wealthy insiders are immune to the effects of inflation. If the uber-rich have to pay more for stuff… well, what do they care? 

Billionaires long ago stopped thinking about the price of necessities like food or housing.

The real evil of inflation is the burden it places on the middle and lower economic classes. 

Right now, nearly 50% of the population cannot even come up with an extra $400 in an emergency, like a car repair… a sick child… or a broken refrigerator.  

That’s not a tragedy… It’s a powder keg waiting to explode.

What made the US great was our large middle class. We once boasted of having the largest middle class in world history.

Anyone who wanted could come to America… work hard… and make it. 

No one could stop you. 

Millions flocked from all over the globe to live a life beyond poverty and misery. 

All you had to do was work for it. Because our currency was stable and our leadership understood their responsibility. 

Today, that middle-class dream is nearly gone all thanks to a single decision back on August 15, 1971.

Before, August 15, 1971…  

America's middle class grew along with productivity. 

It was a virtuous cycle. Look at this:

The more middle-class incomes grew… 

The greater the demand for consumer goods and professional services. 

Which led to more production…

Which drove wages higher still.

The US enjoyed this prosperity feedback loop for nearly two centuries – with only brief interruptions. 

Then came August 15, 1971 – the day everything changed. 

That was the day wages began to stagnate – even though productivity kept rising.  

On August 15, 1971, the US embarked on a self-fulfilling prophecy. And today, that prophecy is nearing its fulfillment.

Make no mistake… 

The inflation rampaging through your savings today is the kind that ruins nations.


Of course, there’s no mystery about your loss of purchasing power…

Printing dollars out of thin air reduces the value of every other dollar in circulation. 

That’s inflation’s most obvious effect.

But there’s another hidden effect – one that takes decades to manifest and usually shows up right before things get really bad. 

The real evil of inflation is that it can tear a society apart – driving millions to despair and even violence.

We could be near that moment today. And it's not just me saying that…

The late Charlie Munger said that short of all-out nuclear war… runaway inflation is our gravest danger. 

You see… when elite insiders create new money out of nothing, they are playing a dirty trick on all of us.


The Wall Street elite and those connected inside the government have privileged access to all the newly created money…

Before it loses its purchasing power.


The elites get to use this new money while it still retains its full value. 

Meanwhile, the rest of us have to make ends meet with money that has already lost purchasing power – and continues to degrade at a faster and faster rate. 

What Really Happened On August 15, 1971

On August 15, 1971, the elites devised a way to collect an ever-increasing share of the gains in productivity… for themselves. In doing so…

They created an inequality time bomb.

This engineered inequality is driving people at the bottom to despair.

Today, growing numbers of people are giving up. They look at the system and conclude they have nothing left to lose.

Drug overdoses… broken families… and the growing divide between people for whom money is no object and those who are simply struggling to buy groceries and pay the light bill… 

Is a disgrace – and one of the biggest crimes in history. 

The chart above proves elites have been shafting the American middle class for over fifty years. 

And the worst part is… 

It’s creating an unstable, two-tiered society.


I call this The Great Economic Divide. I've given talks about this.

One group gets unlimited access to cheap money and credit – living in unfathomable luxury and decadence… 

While the other group is running as hard as it can... just to stay in the same place.

The people we trust with our monetary system are systematically hollowing out the middle class.


The more money they print, the greater this divide will get. And I believe this engineered inequality is about to get a lot worse.


Because the insiders who decide on monetary policy decided long ago to print any amount of money necessary to prop up their failing system.

These people will double down on their failed policies to the bitter end. And that could lead the US to ruin... if we don't reverse course.

It’s happened to other empires before us – like the British Empire… the French… and the Spanish Empire that ruled Europe and the Americas for nearly 250 years.

Even Argentina was among the wealthiest countries in the world at the turn of the 20th century. All we have to do is look at it today to see where endless money printing leads.

But there is hope.

If you take a few radical but simple steps, you can avoid the fallout when it happens to us.

All Roads Lead to Inflation

The good news in all of this is that you don't have to let inflation ravage your life or destroy your savings.  You are NOT automatically destined to join the have-nots. 

And you don’t need to be a Wall Street insider or run for office to protect your wealth in the years ahead. 

In fact, I’ll even show you how to grow your money despite what’s happening around you.

So what really happened on the fateful day in August 1971? And how can you defend yourself from inflation – and even make inflation work for you in the years ahead?

On August 15, 1971, President Nixon closed the international gold window – ending the dollar's convertibility into gold.

That policy decision gave the US government the freedom to print as much money as it could get away with – causing huge distortions in the markets. But…

If you position yourself to benefit from market distortions – like I show you… 

You can make inflation work for you – instead of against you.  

That’s my specialty. 

I’ve made it my mission to teach other people exactly how to turn inflation into an ally – an engine of prosperity that can pull you along as it picks up speed.

Now, before I tell you how to make inflation work for you – along with the secret Einstein called the “8th wonder of the world”… 

Let me just introduce myself properly.

My name is Joe Withrow. 

Almost 20 years ago, I set out as a fresh-faced graduate into the world of high finance. 

I thought I was pretty smart. I knew how to analyze investment opportunities. But what I didn’t know until 2008 was…

How our financial system really works. 

During the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, I worked in Wells Fargo’s “Loss Mitigation" department.

It was a charade that changed my life and set me on my current path. Was it profitable? You bet! 

For Wells Fargo and the other Wall Street banks that created the whole mess in the first place.

You see, my job was to help sweep the mortgage crisis under the rug. And the more mortgages I “modified” the more taxpayer bailout money my employer got from the government.

That’s when the penny dropped for me. My blinders came off and I understood our financial system. 

Not long after, I quit corporate banking altogether. 

And that’s when I went on the most incredible adventure – re-learning what I thought I knew about money. 

Then I went to work for the largest independent financial research firm in the world. 

Instead of playing the corporate game where the goal was to get as much of the client’s money as possible in hidden fees…

My team and I helped people make better investing decisions by simply telling our readers the information we would want to know if our roles were reversed.

It turns out this is popular. Our daily e-letter reached over two million subscribers at its peak. 

Today my passion is teaching people what I've learned. I help regular folks master their finances by steering clear of the dangerous advice you hear on media outlets like CNBC or FOX Business.

Today I teach people how NOT to be victims of our crony financial system that favors government insiders and their big corporate allies. 

That’s why I want to tell you about my most valuable ongoing program, Finance for Freedom.

This is not just another online course where you get some modules and then are left to figure it all out on your own. 

It’s an interactive mastermind where you can get ongoing support in crafting your finances so you can live the life you were meant to live. 

You’ll start out learning everything you need to know about money and wealth creation... but weren’t taught in school. Then we get more and more nuanced from there.

If you feel like your financial education is lacking – or if you're ready to implement more advanced techniques – this program is for you. 

The Finance for Freedom curriculum teaches all the things I wish someone had taught me when I first set out to build wealth – and in a logical order. It provides you with a step-by-step approach.

I cover important topics like:

  • Understanding the Monetary System – what’s happening to our money today and how do you avoid ending up on the wrong side of the wealth transfer?
  • Mastering Your Finances – quickly learn to assess your finances through a professional lens and gain “financial literacy” in 30 days or less... so you finally feel in control of your money and your future.
  • Building Your Asset Base – proper asset allocation strategy and straight talk about diversification.
  • Leveraging Inflation Directly – the right assets and strategies will shield your money and grow your wealth over the coming decade.
  • The Truth About Alternative Assets – learn how to dissect macroeconomic trends and implement tried-and-true methods so you can sleep well at night no matter what happens.
  • Building a Resilient Stock Portfolio – expert tips and professional analysis to construct a stock portfolio that actually makes money.
  • Access to the Explosive World of Private Investments – we'll break down the barriers so you can gain access to world-class early stage investments capable of producing 5x, 10x, maybe even 50x gains in the coming years.
  • The Ins and Outs of Gold and Bitcoin – how to integrate the world's top reserve assets into your portfolio so that you'll never have to worry about money again.
  • Exploring Rental Real Estate – you'll learn how to invest in real estate the right way... to build monthly cash flow.
  • Preparation For the Unpredictable – wars, fake pandemics, and economic policies all influence your investments. Being prepared for what's coming isn't just wise... it's essential.

These fundamentals took me years to learn and even longer to condense into the version I am sharing with you. But this is only the beginning of your journey…

I also want to give you something more valuable than everything else combined…

Access to me.

Mastering your finances and learning about money is intimidating to a lot of people. But it doesn’t have to be. 

Especially if you have a mentor who can hold your hand and show you what really matters – and what is just a lot of hot air coming from talking heads like Jim Cramer and CNBC.

My Promise To You:

I guarantee if you make the time and effort to go through the modules I created for you…

and if you commit to engaging in our mastermind forum...

Within 30 days you will feel like you can master your finances – something that took me over a decade to achieve.  

Plus, we'll provide you with the specific action items and investments you can make right now to shore up your finances, protect your money, and grow your wealth in the years to come.

Finance for Freedom provides you with all the knowledge, insight, and actionable suggestions you need to bulletproof your money today. And one other important thing… access to a mentor with a network of experts who can save you years of frustrating struggles and costly mistakes.

Me and my team will filter out the junk and provide you only with world-class strategies you can implement immediately. There’s no fat and no fluff here.

Here's what others are saying about Finance for Freedom.

“His point on the fiat monetary system hit the bullseye.” - Arul J.

“A clear, direct, and concise path for managing your finances using the

asset allocation strategy… extremely insightful and practical!” - Kenny H.

“Very relevant information to manage your personal finance situation.” - Ruben A.

“What a powerful course! I came in knowing very little about finance and now

I feel like I am almost an expert! I would highly recommend!” - Rachel G.

“This course is so interesting to me being someone without a finance background.

The history of money and ecomonic trends has certainly piqued my interest.” - Gwen D.

Bonus: How to Develop a Cash Flow Wealth Strategy

(Free Bonus to all our members)

Finance for Freedom will help you understand what's happening in the economy and the markets today... and what you can do about it. My program helps you master your finances, build a robust asset portfolio, and even makes inflation work for you.

What Einstein called the 8th Wonder of the World is the magic of compounding. Instead of losing your purchasing power in the years ahead…

I’m going to show you how to compound your wealth so you not only keep up with inflation but outpace it. 

This seems to happen slowly at first. But when you stick with the game plan I share with all my inner circle members… 

You’ll eventually find yourself working less as you collect more and more income from your inflation-proof assets.

After you implement the fundamental strategies in Finance for Freedom, the next step is to start building monthly cash flow. 

That's the real secret to creating financial independence.

As a bonus, we'll provide you with a blueprint for exactly how to break into the world of cash flow... and what the end game looks like.

I want you to pause for a moment and consider something: How much is your financial freedom worth to you?


How much would you invest today to safeguard, grow, and truly master your money in the years to come?


Typically, access to this caliber of knowledge and the proven strategies we provide in Finance for Freedom costs at least $2,000 a year.


And given the value-packed modules, the actionable insights, the professional investment recommendations, and the personalized support… it’s easy to see why.

“I wish I had come across this course during the early stages of my career.” - Praveen R.

“Excellent... Easy to understand with no finance background.” - Aaron B.

“I believe everyone must have access to this knowledge, it's the best-kept secret.” - Kishor P.

“Exceptional... very clear... It's exactly what I was looking for.” - Allesandro F.


I believe this is the best training on financial freedom available at any price.

The course has the power to transform your life through both specific recommendations and the important fundamentals that took me over a decade to distill.

And because I want to impact as many lives as I can during what will probably turn out to be the most trying time of our lives… 

I’m not going to charge you $2,000. Or $1,000. Or even $500. 


For a limited time, we’re offering you the entire Finance for Freedom program for just a one-time payment of $98! That’s not a typo. 


You can take control of your future finances for less than the cost of a nice dinner out for two.


That means you’re getting:

The Finance for Freedom Masterclass

Core Video Training and Interactive Mastermind Sessions

The core video training modules include:

1. Understanding our monetary history – where we are today and how the rules of money are changing

2. Where we are in the economic cycle today – and what you should do to prepare for what's coming

3. How to become "money conscious" – the mindset of wealth helps avoid the big mistakes

4. Master your finances in 30 days – follow these steps to take control of your money forever

5. My Finance for Freedom system – a hardened approach for building a bulletproof asset portfolio

6. Direct Implementation – five minute walkthroughs for adding each key asset to your portfolio

7. How investing wizards view these key assets – and how you can copy their thinking to build wealth

8. The four important alternative investments – create true financial security in a world of insanity

9. How to build passive monthly income streams – the mindset shift you need for financial freedom

10. My proprietary spreadsheet downloads – to help you QUICKLY organize and implement everything

And that's only the core video training series!

I think you’ll agree, that $98 is stupid-cheap.


It's less than what you’d spend on a single consultation with most financial professionals. 

But thanks to the convenience and power of the internet, I can deliver an even better experience to you for a fraction of the cost of seeking expensive but plain-vanilla financial advice.

You’re getting all the knowledge, insights, strategies, and investments you need to bulletproof your money and navigate the dangerous shark-filled waters of inflation – for less than $100.


But this isn’t an offer. It's an invitation. An invitation to seize control of your financial narrative, to rise above the challenges of inflation, and to harness strategies that not only protect but amplify your wealth.


And this isn’t just about money. It's about peace of mind, stability, and a legacy that can surmount the economic challenges we face today.

At this point, you may be asking yourself… “Why is he giving away so much value for so little money? What’s the catch?” 

There’s no catch. We are living through one of the most tumultuous times in human history. The signs are everywhere. 

You know it… You don’t need me to tell you what’s happening or what’s likely coming as a result. 

So I want this solution to be available to anyone and everyone regardless of circumstances. 

I can’t imagine why anyone would choose not to check out Finance for Freedom

This is the fastest way to master your finances at this crucial juncture in history with my personal help and counsel. And please know that I lean on an entire professional network myself. The game of money isn't played on an island.

Of course, you could spend several years and tens of thousands of dollars to learn all this and make the necessary professional connections on your own (like I did)... and hope to implement it all while there’s still time. 

But why would you do that?

Right now, you have a chance to fast-track your financial freedom… benefit from my experience and my team… and use the best strategies to get results fast.

So, in case you’re still on the fence, I even have one last bonus…

I offer everyone going through Finance for Freedom direct access to me.

Have a question about anything in the material? Want to know how something fits with your current situation?

Just shoot me an email. I'm happy to answer any questions and steer you in the right directions.

By the way, my normal fee for private consulting is $3,000 an hour. Yet you'll get direct access to me at no additional cost.

So, if you’re ready to get started, just click the “I Want To Bulletproof my Money” button below. When you do, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page.

Just enter your credit card information and hit “Complete Purchase.” Then we'll get you right into the onboarding material so you know exactly where to begin.

Thanks and I'll talk to you on the inside.

I Want to Bulletproof My Money Today - Finance for Freedom ($98)

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Here's to your financial success!


Joseph Withrow

P.S. That's me and my wonderful family in the picture.